Thermodynamics and kinetics
Licence ChimieParcours Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


First and second principle of thermodynamics: concept of energy and entropy
The chemical potential
The thermodynamic functions applied to chemical reactions
Action mass law
Van’t Hoff’s Law
Gibbs phase rule
Clapeyron’s Law.
Multi-component systems: multi-component phase diagram; Mixing entropy and free enthalpy for ideal solutions. Phase rule for several components.
Construction and reading of phase diagrams
Colligative properties of solutions
Mixing entropy and free enthalpy for regular solutions. Applications and illustrations by binary phase diagrams (liquid-gas, liquid-solid, solid-solid).
Simple kinetic laws; reactions without order, principle of quasi-stationary states
Complex kinetic laws (balanced, parallel, consecutive reactions)


Compétences visées

Understand the fundations of thermodynamics from the concept of energy and entropy that is from the first and second principles.
Understand the application of these fundamental issues on chemical reactivity and equilibrium and on chemical kinetics based on potential energy landscape and chemical potential.
Understand the connection between microscopic and macroscopic behaviors the impact of molecular interactions on non-perfect mixtures properties


1) Chemical Principles : The Quest for Insight; Peter Atkins; Loretta Jones; Leroy Laverman, (seven edition) Publisher: Macmillan
2) Physical Chemistry. Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, James Keeler ; (eleven edition) Publisher: Oxford University Press