Inorganic analysis and speciation

Inorganic analysis and speciation
Master ChimieParcours Chemoinformatics (UFAZ)


* Fundamentals of emission and atomic absorption spectrometry
* FAES : Flame Atomic Emission Spectrometry
* FAAS : Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
* GFAAS – ETAAS : Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
* ICP-AES : Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry
(sequential, simultaneous)
* ICP-MS : Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass spectrometry
(Quadrupole, Sector fields, Time-of-Flight)
* Speciation analysis
* Hyphenation with: liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, laser ablation
* Nanoparticles analyses (FFF, Single Particle, Single Cell)

Compétences visées

The objectives of this course are:
*to understand the principles of atomic spectrometry
*to understand the operating modes of the various atomic spectrometers
*to understand the specificities/advantages/disadvantages of the different instruments
*to realize analyses of various analytes (organic and inorganic samples)
*to learn which parameters need to be optimized and how they can be optimized
*to optimize the sample preparation for atomic spectrometry

At the end of this course, the student will know how to:
*Select the right instrument regarding the sample (type, quantity, analytes…)
*Implement an analytical method
*Optimize an analytical strategy using atomic spectrometry