Reactivity 1 (industrial chem)
Licence ChimieParcours Physical Chemistry (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


-Basic concept of reactivity, stability on intermediate, acid-base stability
-Synthesis and reactivity of alkyl halides
-Synthesis and reactivity of alkane
-Synthesis and reactivity of alkene / alkyne
-Synthesis and reactivity of carbonyl group and carboxylic acid
-Synthesis and reactivity of alcohol / amine

Compétences visées

Identify the different functional groups
Draw molecules using topological formula
Understand the reactivity of different functional groups
Be able to imagine a synthesis of simple organic compound and write a mechanism for its formation


1) Chemical Principles : The Quest for Insight; Peter Atkins; Loretta Jones; Leroy Laverman, (seven edition) Publisher: Macmillan
2) Physical Chemistry. Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, James Keeler ; (eleven edition) Publisher: Oxford University Press