Analytical sciences and Health M2SA

Analytical sciences and Health M2SA
Master ChimieParcours Sciences analytiques

Composantes2 composantes associées
Credits6 crédits


Part I: Introduction to biology (5h50 CM)

- Basis of Biology, Immunology and Microbiology

Part II: Bioanalytical chemistry (21h: 17h30 CM, 3h30 TD)

- Purification of biomolecules (liquid chromatography, gel electrophoresis)
- Characterization of proteins using MS-based approaches (bottom-up, top-down, data-dependent acquisition, data-independent acquisition)
- Development of proteomic strategies for global and targeted analyses, including protein quantification
- Structural proteomics (native MS, HDX, crosslinking)
- Case studies: analysis of publications

Part III: Contribution of miniaturization for biomolecules (11h40: 10h30 CM, 1h10 TD)

- Introduction. Interests and specificities of nanometric scale for separation methods. Transport mode, separation modes and dispersion effects.
- Last insights in nanometric scale for chromatography, from micro to nano flow rate. Evolution of new stationary phases, i.e. monoliths.
- Introduction to electrophoretic separation. From 2D Gel to capillary electrophoresis. Overview of the different detection modes (UV, Fluorescent, MS)
- Lab on chip, the future of miniaturization for separation methods.
- Example of miniaturization for health application.