Surface reactivity and heterogeneous catalysis

Surface reactivity and heterogeneous catalysis
Master ChimieParcours Chimie physique et matériaux


Get a basic knowledge in surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis : ranging from the fundamental to a faced targeted reaction

  1. Introduction
  2. Adsorption at solid surfaces
  3. Heterogeneous kinetics
  4. Catalysis by metals
  5. Catalysis by metal oxides
  6. ndustrial Catalysts
  7. Rational design of a catalyst
  8. Zeolites and acid catalysis
  9. Methodology of catalyst characterization: surface versus bulk

Compétences visées

  • Discover notions of heterogeneous catalysis : active site, conversion, selectivity, etc.
  • Examine influence of the nature of catalytic material and experimental conditions (pressure, temperature) on the rates of heterogeneous catalytic reactions
  • Distinguish between different types of catalytic materials (metals, oxides, solid acids) and the corresponding reaction mechanisms


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