Magnetic supramolecular materials

Magnetic supramolecular materials
Master ChimieParcours Chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire


General introduction to molecular functional materials and spin carrier interactions.

The fundamental characteristics of magnetic interactions.

Magnetic properties: magnetic interactions in isolated polymetallic complexes, spin transition systems, molecular arrays of metal magnets (1D, 2D, 3D), organic magnets.

Faraday scales, SQUID and low temperature EPR/NMR techniques, Mössbauer, and neutron/muon diffractions, etc.

Magnetic multifunctional compounds: optical and porous properties.

Devices including these molecular compounds

Provide an overview of molecular and supramolecular compounds with magnetic properties.

Understand the synthesis of such compounds.

Provide tools for understanding the magnetic properties of compounds with magnetic interactions: d-f coordination complexes, extended systems, organic radicals.

Understand structure-property relationships.

Know the different techniques for measuring magnetic properties.

Know the fields of application of magnetic and multifunctional molecular materials.

Compétences requises

Mastering coordination chemistry 

Compétences visées

* Describe a magnetic molecular and supramolecular system: nature and intensity of magnetic interactions, mechanism of magnetic interactions and different magnetic behaviours

* Analyse the different magnetic measurements performed on molecular and supramolecular materials.

* Analyse the behaviour of molecular and supramolecular materials in devices


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