Coordination chemistry 3

Coordination chemistry 3
Master ChimieParcours Chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire

Credits3 crédits


Code apogée : CH96KUB1

Two parts

1) Homogeneous catalysis :
The principal aim of this course will be to elucidate some of the most important concepts of catalyst design and development, focusing on elements that render a particular set of homogeneous catalysts especially effective. Discussions will be framed in the context of some of the more transformative recent advances in olefin metathesis, cross-coupling, nucleophilic additions to carbonyls and imines, allylic substitutions and conjugate additions.

2) Bioinorganic Chemistry:

  • Role of metal ions in biology, essential and non-essential metals
  • Methods and concepts of importance in bioinorganic chemistry
  • Cu-proteins, Cu-enzymes and their models: electron transfer, activation of oxygen and other moelcuels, oxygen transport, etc
  • Zn in bioinorganic chemistry: Zn-enzymes, structural Zn-sites and Zn as messenger
  • Transport, cell-uptake and storage of iron. Regulators of iron in a cell
  • Metals and health: metal related disease and metal-based drugs.

Compétences visées

1) Homogeneous catalysis
To familiarize with the state-of-the-art concepts and practices in modern homogeneous catalysis.The principal aim of this course will be to elucidate some of the most important concepts of catalyst design and development, focusing on elements that render a particular set of homogeneous catalysts especially effective. Discussions will be framed in the context of some of the more transformative recent advances in olefin metathesis, cross-coupling, nucleophilic additions to carbonyls and imines,allylic substitutions and conjugate additions.

2) Bioinorganic Chemistry
Knowing, applying and recognizing the basic principles of (bio)inorganic chemistry in/to different biological and medicinal relevant systems (metal-biomolecules, bioactive metal-complexes, etc.), including systems not treated in the teaching unit.
Capable of understanding basic bioinorganic chemical experiments and be able to suggest potential experiments to solve a metal-related biological relevant question.


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement