Asymmetric Synthesis and Retrosynthesis

Asymmetric Synthesis and Retrosynthesis
Master ChimieParcours Chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire


The aim is to provide the highest possible level in organic synthesis, and especially in asymmetric synthesis, so that the students can get a job in pharmaceutical and related companies or pursue an academic carrier in organic synthesis.

The stereo- & enantiocontroled construction of molecules - asymmetric synthesis - has becomen a key part of organic synthesis. The bases of asymmetric synthesis will thus be first provided and then exemplified through various enantioselective total syntheses.
Strategy and retrosynthesis is also a key part of this class. Retrosynthesis rules will first be examined and illustrated, and then applied to selected examples of natural product targets.

Organic Synthesis: context & perspectives

  • History, roles, applications
  • Chirality, complexity
  • Planification, Protecting groups

Asymmetric Synthesis

  • Principes
  • Enantiomer separations
  • Chirons
  • Prochiral substrates
  • Chiral auxiliaries
  • Chiral reagents
  • Asymmetric Catalysis
  • Organocatalysis

Total Syntheses

  • Analysis & retrosynthesis
  • Compared strategies

Compétences visées

  • Analyze & understand scientific publications
  • Develop rigorous scientific arguments
  • Solve complex problem through reasoning and successive approximations
  • Apply reactivity models
  • Validate or not models according to experimental results
  • Capacity to appreciate the limit(s) of a model
  • Design the synthesis of (asymmetric) organic molecules


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement