Innovating pharmaceutical chemistry

Innovating pharmaceutical chemistry
Master ChimieParcours Chimie, biologie et drug design

Credits3 crédits


- Metal catalysis as tool to develop new bioactive molecules
- Molecular diversity and Csp3 chemistry: new chemical spaces to explore living systems
- Importance of pharmaceutical chemistry in drug design: hit discovery, hit to lead, construction of chemical libraries
- Eco-friendly methods for the development of new drugs
- Quality assessment of an active pharmaceutical ingredient: European Pharmacopeia
- Synthesis and analysis of bioactive molecules

Compétences visées

- Design of drug synthesis on the basis of notions learned in the class;
- Ability to apply different synthetic pharmaceutical chemistry routes both on the theoretical and practical side;
- Interpretation of experimental results with a critical thinking;
- Ability to understand a Pharmacopeia monograph (justification of analytical methods, of physico-chemical properties...)


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement