Membrane separation

Membrane separation
Master ChimieParcours Chemoinformatics (UFAZ)


The target of this course is to provide to the students a comprehensive knowledge on membrane materials, mass transfer mechanisms, module and process design, separation processes and industrial applications.

1. Introduction : Membranes and separation processes
(history, work of separation & energy efficiency, overview of membrane separations)
2. Membrane materials and transport mechanisms (permeability and selectivity concepts)
3. Liquid separation processes : Microfiltration & ultrafiltration
Concentration polarization
Process design (batch and continuous processes)
Industrial applications
4. Liquid separation processes : Reverse osmosis
Osmotic pressure and effective driving force
Process design
Industrial applications
5. Membrane gas separations
Membrane performances & experimental techniques
Process design : analytical approach
Process design : simulation (MEMSIC software)
Industrial applications
6. Miscellaneous operations (pervaporation, dialysis, transmembrane distillation)

Compétences visées

You will learn:
• the different membrane separation processes and associated materials and driving forces
• how to compute polarization effects in membrane separations
• how to evaluate membrane area and energy for a set of separation performances

You will be able:
• to select an appropriate membrane process for a given application
• to design a membrane process for gas or liquid separations


• Baker, R. Membrane technology and applications. 2 éd. Chichester, New York: J. Wiley, 2004.
• Strathmann, H., Introduction to membrane science and technology, Wiley VCH, 2011
• Mulder, M. Basic principles of membrane technology. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000