Energy conversion

Energy conversion
Master ChimieParcours Biophysicochimie binational franco-allemand


Sustainability of the human society largely depends on the transition from fossil to renewable energy sources. This requires research and development into efficient energy conversion and storage technologies. The objective of the lectures is to introduce physical/chemical principles and key materials in state-of-the art and future technologies for energy conversion and storage such as batteries, supercapacitors, fuel, electrolysis and photovoltaic cells, etc.

The course starts with an overview of the current and promising future energy production and conversion technologies and their efficiencies. Then it is split into two parts. The first deals with the solar energy conversion and discusses principles for the solar energy to electricity or fuel conversion, charge separation and transport, fundamental calculations and measurements of efficiency, as well as different technologies (dye sensitized and photovoltaic cells) and materials. The second part is devoted to the electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies, including primary and secondary batteries, red-ox flow batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells. We discuss basic principles and main factors, which determine their efficiency and durability. We also present various hydrogen production and storage technologies. The course is continuously updated to keep up with the fast development of energy conversion and storage technologies and materials.

Compétences visées

After completion of the course the student should:

  • Know about and understand various types of energy conversion and storage technologies and advanced materials, utilized in respective fields, their advantages and limitations; and the latest tendencies in their research and development

  • Be prepared to forecast and debate on the future energy scenarios

  • Be able to explain the operation, physico-chemical processes and different functions and fields of application of various kinds of batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells and photovoltaic devices

  • Be able toperform calculations of efficiency and analyze the performance for various energy conversion devices by considering experimental data

  • Be able to critically read scientific publications on the topics discussed within the lecture course. Analyze, critically interpret and discuss experimental and/or computational results from scientific literature.


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