Vers la Matière Complexe : Chimie ? Chimie !
Professeur Jean Marie LEHN - Prix Nobel de Chimie 1987

Cooperative Heterobimetallic Reactivity : From Molecules to Catalytic Materials
Dr. Clément CAMP - CP2M, CPE Lyon

Advances in d10 Coinage Metal Organic Chalcogenolate Coordination Polymers for Optoelectronic Technologies

Peptide-based Nanomaterials: Progress from Structural Analysis to Design
Dr. Vincent CONTICELLO - Department of Chemistry at Emory University Atlanta

Special event : Meet a company
Dr. Michael PARMENTIER - Novartis Pharma AG Bâle

Functional Assembly Based on Interfacial Supramolecluar Interactions
Prof. Yoshimitsu ITOH - University of Tokyo

Functional electron-transfer in coordination compounds
Pr. Corinne MATHONIERE - Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP, UMR 5031, Pessac)

The contribution of coordination chemistry to electrochemical energy storage : some failures and successes
Dr. Thomas DEVIC - Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel de Nantes

Unique sequence-defined macromolecules : From synthesis and characterization to potential uses
Pr Michael MEIER - Karlsruhe Institut of Technology

Decoding Protein Interaction Networks with 3D and AI-Driven Evolutionary Insights
Dr. Raphael GUEROIS - CEA

Synthetic self-assembly with life-like properties
Pr. Damien BAIGL - ENS

Catalysis inside a supramolecular capsule
Pr. Konrad TIEFENBACHER - Department of Chemistry, Uni. Basel, Switzerland

Making Salt Soluble in Olive Oil: Steps towards the Chemistry of Pseudo-Naked Cations
Pr. Rudi WEHMSCHULTE - Florida Institute of Technology

Lumière sur la matière : Quand la chimie rencontre la physique et la biologie
Dans le cadre de la liaison Université-Lycée, la faculté de Chimie de Strasbourg met en place des cycles de conférences à destination des lycéens. Ce mardi 14 mai à 18h15 la faculté de chimie accueille Frédéric Bolze dans l’amphithéâtre Ourisson. Cette intervention d'une quarantaine de minutes sera…

Smart Materials based on Liquid Crystal Polymers
Professor Albert SCHENNING - TUE, Netherlands

Photocatalysis for Promoting New Synthetic Pathways
Pr. Louis FENSTERBANK - Collège de France

Life as a guide to its own origin
Pr. Nick LANE - University College London, UK

The many faces of copper: catalysis of cross-coupling and radical reactions
Pr. Gwilherm EVANO - ULB, Bruxelles

Deciphering the Inositol (Pyro)Phosphate Network
Pr Dr. Henning Jacob JESSEN - Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg